Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

DIY Potpourri - Dried roses

Have you ever heard potpourri? I dont think potpourri famous Indonesia, hahaha because it's quite rare to find potpourri in my friends' house. Well Popourri (read as popori) is natural fragrance made of dried natural materials such as dried leaves, flowers, fruits. Me, knew potpourri because I browse at Pinterest. SO many interesting posts of potpourri there.

Beside that, i have my favorite flower. Well, basicly I do love flowers. But my favorite one is ROSE. I plant some kind of rose. The yellow-small roses: its flowers are small and it blooms every month. Since it often bloom, i have an idea to keep it, although the roses already dried.

Beside this yellow rose, I also have red one. The red rose is big type flower. But it blooms once or two in 2-3 month.

So I started to collect my flowers. Both yellow rose and red rose could stand 2 weeks on its tree. But at the end of two weeks, flowers usually get withered and before it withered, I pick it up and hang it with sewing yarn. By hanging the flowers, you could make your flowers dry perfectly. So after I have collected for several months, I put it in jar, and then painted the top of jar. And this is what I made:

The red rose give unique color, since dried rose rose will change to dark purple rose. Basicly, when i open the top of jar, the smell is soooo good, warm and relaxing. To make it nicer, I add some dried rose leaves, and CINNAMONS! I always love cinnamon's smell!. So, what you need to make it just dried flowers (any kind of flowers indeed) and dried natural stuffs, put it in a jar or bowl, you also can add essential fragrance if you want. Good worth to try! So lovely!

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